Saturday, July 12, 2008

MeMoRy LaNe

I saw this on Tiffany's blog and had fun sharing memories with her. It will be fun especially if everyone will join in! Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew us a little or a lot, anything you remember, good or bad but be nice!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. Please keep it going. ENJOY :)


Serena said...

Thanks so much for the compliment, you are so wonderful! I wish you lived closer, too. I actually hit up a girl when I was getting a pedicure and I think I found a sitter for when I go. She came over and met Jamie and the kids today, she is really cute. Anyways. For some reason the only Memory that comes to mind is having Mr. Henderson together and sitting across from you and your bangs and hair was always super perfect. I don't know what makes me think of that, you have always been so good with hair!

jaesi said...

okay dont get mad but I remember your glasses :)

But I also remember how stinkingly beeeeutiful your eyes were/are.....and how brightly they shine through your kids' eyes! Lucky girls.

Amber said...

Yes, I too remember your hair. You had great still do, but I remember that! What class did we have together? I can't remember....? Beauty School? I think you were just gratuating when I started. Not 100% sure. Talk to you soon.

M&M-Maloy said...

I guess there are many, but what comes to mind is the story you told me about your phone camera. I just laugh and laugh... still...

Your great. MM

bre said...

Ya know..I don't remember much about YOU...but I do remember a bit about your wedding reception. I remember the DJ was trying to get me to dance and I REALLY didn't want to, and the food was really good. I remember that, haha...Maybe i'll get to know you better so I can have better memories of you! lol

Unknown said...

I remember walking to your house just about every day after school (Megan was there too) drinking Tampico punch and eating pomegranates, your mom napping on the couch with the dog, then going to your room to talk about boys. You always had perfectly curly hair and lots of boys.

bre said...

Speaking of Cody..i remember that too...and I remember his permed hair and trying to dye it with Kool-aid...

Anonymous said...

Christie and I were talking and I had asked her if she got a chance to look at all the family blogs while on her mission, she said that she had looked at your guys' blog when she checked mine... we were talking about your last blog subject and the memories we have of the Cotten boys.. (sorry Jill!)

We both remember them putting Christie in the dryer and turning it on.. I do remember me calling Brett, "brat" or "barett" and he would get so mad at me.. (Christie has a ton of memories, I have only a few.. living in the sandy/slc house!)

Nyberg Family said...

Okay, I hope Christie doesn't read this but for some reason I can't forget one time I think we were at a wrestling match or volleyball match at Pineview and you me and Christie were in the bathroom and Christie was noticing how "jiggly" her arms were and started flapping them around in front of the mirror...anyway, that one's never left me for some reason. :) -Shelly-

Anjalique said...

Oh, so many! The first one that came to mind was dancing to "Straight Up" together (by Paula Abdul) in your living room. Lol. All the stuff we did when I slept over at your house: Sonic the Hedgehog, going on hikes with our packed sandwiches, MASH, making snowcones, playing "war" with cards...So many fun memories! (Gosh--did we ever sleep over at MY house? I don't think I ever wanted to. It was so much fun at YOURS!)

You're my oldest friend in the world. I love you!
