Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lake Powell

Last weekend we went camping at Lake Powell with Cody's parents. It was lots of fun, although I am very thankful to have my own bed and a shower and my bathroom back. The kids had lots of fun too. Cadence and I got to take a walk along the shore while Cody and his Dad played frisby golf, and Cody's Mom watched Kyndee. It was so nice to get away, especially since Cody just got back last Wed. from Texas. He was gone for 2 1/2 weeks. I couldn't believe how warm it was there, except for night. It was perfect weather. The top picture is Cody and Cadence. Cody came and met us on our walk after his game. And the 2nd picture is when we went fishing. Well, Cody and his Dad went fishing and Cadence and I watched, actually I think I fell asleep. They didn't catch anything though. And the last picture is of me and Cadence hanging out at our camp.


Elkington Home said...

It looks so warm and fun at Lake Powell!!! I'm so jealous. My house is 59 degrees right now and I refuse to turn on the heater already! I'm quite jealous of the fun you had! Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. Infertility is such a hard thing to go through. It's good to be reminded that I'm not the only woman who has ever gone through this. I'm just grateful for modern medicine (fertility drugs) and my faith and trust in Heavenly Father! Your family is so beautiful!